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About Ms. Lindquist



 Welcome to Ms. Lindquist's Website


I love teaching PE! I love to get kids moving while teaching them to work collaboratively and developing their motor skills, confidence, and knowledge of health and fitness.  Physical education is a unique environment where students not only learn how to move their bodies and manipulate objects, they also learn social and emotional skills ---all while growing new brain cells and having fun! 

I've taught PE for over 20 years at Lakeridge.  I am a proud Lion myself, having attended Lakeridge 1st-6th grades. I'm also the third generation of my family to teach at Lakeridge.  

In addition to teaching PE, I enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking, waterskiing, and kayaking.  I also enjoy dancing and have recently taken up crocheting.  

The best way to reach me is by email:

To learn more about the Lakeridge PE program, please go to the Lakeridge Physical Education website. There you will find useful information such as the class schedule, expectations, and current units of study.



Room: Mulitpurpose room
Phone: (206) 230-6004
Grade: 3-5